Saturday, May 18, 2013

About this Blog


I am fairly new to blogging hence the poor organization of this page.  However, I had an a-ha moment when I was writing a post on another blog about my recent decision to leave law enforcement after thirteen years. 

I was trying to put into words the various reasons I decided to leave, trying to put it in language they would understand and not be too crass about it.  Then I thought that there must be others like me; others who have devoted their lives to this amazing career but their enthusiasm has been dampened by all of the negativity we see and hear every day. 

Most, if not all of you, probably still have your jobs and that is okay, great, in fact; this blog was designed with you in mind. It was also designed for our wonderful spouses and girl/boyfriends who have had to put up with our moodiness and closed-off emotions, those frustrated by the process of being hired, and those who could not get the job or lost it once they had it. 

I will not tolerate cop haters; it is a very valiant profession and we risk life, limb, and mental health every day we don our uniforms.  Your ignorance is just that.  If you can't see what we do and admire it, than you are either on the wrong side of the law, or you're a complete idiot.  I'm not saying you have to understand why we do what we do, but don't hate it either.

This is not a legal advice blog, contact an attorney if that is what you are looking for.  I will also not tolerate racism or discrimination; everything else related to law enforcement is fair game.

I highly recommend posting any comments anonymously lest you be targeted by your agency.  This was recently done to me and it was complete and utter bullsh*t, but is the way the tide of social media is turning.  Please be mindful and keep details of your employing agency and location to yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great to have a place for people to rant with no repercussions. I have the utmost respect for all of our military and law enforcement.

    Being married to a LEO has opened my eyes a little to the evil and stupidity in this world.

    Thank you again for your long shifts, time away from your family, and the toll on your body's and minds. Thank you for allowing us normal folks to sleep better under your protection.
